I'm a sympathetic crier. That doesn't mean I'm not a tough person. I'm a fighter, a survivor, but most of all, I'm a humanitarian. Ever since I was little, I couldn't hear a story and not feel affected by it. I'd laugh or cry as if the story were mine and I could swear I felt every giddy moment--and likewise--every heartbreak.
I think it's a good thing. It makes me charitable. Every time I get a dollar, I wonder how I can make half of it work for someone other than myself. There are so many good causes out there...organizations and people that make a difference in the world.
The sheer numbers of people and conditions that need our help is daunting. There's no way we can help them all. We'd go broke.
But for some things you don't need money. Some things only cost time. One thing...comes to my mind.
Bone Marrow.
Foolishly, I always thought that I would never donate bone marrow. "I've heard it hurts, and I hurt enough every day, thank you very much. Besides, there are millions of people who donate and they can find the donors they need in their family and friends."
I'm not ashamed to admit I was a jerk a few years ago--only because I've seen the error of my ignorance and worked hard at educating others.

Registering for Bone Marrow Donation is as simple as a swab in the mouth, and the donation experience if you are a match for someone, isn't what you think either. Check out the myths HERE.
What bothers me, is that barely anyone is registered. Only a few million people...and usually only because someone they know and love is in need. But we need to change that my friends!! Go in for a check-up. Ask your doctor to give you a swab for bone marrow registration. Why?
Imagine your mother, your father, your sibling or worse...your child--is dying, and all they need is to find someone who is a donor match. It could come from anyone out there! And all the donor would have to do is feel some discomfort for an hour or so to save your child's ENTIRE LIFE!! Imagine how frustrating it would be to know that person was walking around out there as your child draws their last breath and there's nothing you can do. You've done everything--you've tapped into every friend and friend of a friend you can, but none of them matched.
I can be rather abrasive on this, I know. But let me take a different spin.

Imagine how amazing it would feel to be the giver of life.
Talk with your doctor. Learn How To Register
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Oh WOW well i'll admit to being stupid about it as well but this is somthing i'd totally look into doing... It's such a worthy cause..
I had no idea it was relatively simple to do all of this. Will get myself registered.
Thanks for the info, and the awareness!
Thank you Allure!
I have wanted to be a donor for a long time.
My family has been blessed through the years with not perfect health, but better than most families.
But working in healthcare for almost 15 years, I know exactly how blessed we are.
But I have had friends who have tackled cancer, and overcome that 5 year mark.
Diabetes runs in my family, but knock on wood, I haven't had to deal with that...but then again you never know down the road.
I am going to check out about being a donor now that I am not in the healthcare field anymore, and frankly the is no reason why not.
Thank s for the topic, and I'm going to repost and Tweet on this so more can learn about it..*S*
Thank You!
I admit the idea always scared me - but thanks to the info offered here, I will look into it further.
Thank you Allure for this fantastic May Awareness Project you've held all month.
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