Sighing, Vic flipped through the four channels he received--only one of which had less snow than the Himalays--and settled on a foggy channel, listening to the news.
His body jerked, and he was aware only that he’d fallen asleep, awakening alert with a nagging feeling like he’d left his guns in the car.
But he didn’t have his guns right now—Grey did—and he didn’t have a car either.
As his blurry gaze slowly focused, his weary brain struggled to comprehend what he was seeing: A giant ass coming straight for him.
“Oh Shi--Unghh!”
He hammered his fists against the outer thighs of the sumo-wanna-be holding him pinned to his chair. Weren’t wrestlers supposed to let go when someone tapped out?

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Six Sentence Sunday Blog
The image of a giant ass coming toward this guy is priceless! I think I like Vic already. Hope he doesn't get squished! Great six.
LOL. Waking up to a giant ass!
Amusing, funny and dangerous all in one. I went straight to Amazon and bought it!!
Happy Sunday,
Kris Wolfgang
Oh, that does not sound like a good position to be in. Nice six!
what a sight to wake up to.
Love the last line! Great job!
Love the dry humor. The Himalayan reference and sumo wrestler. What a giggle. Good six.
LOL at the 'giant ass'! Great description!
LoL. Great conflicting scene at the beginning and humor at the end. :)
Not a nice wake-up call at all. Loved it.
That's quite a wake-up call!
Humor and danger. Good combo.
*click* *buy* Yeah, you could say I liked it. ;)
This must be the most imaginative story out there for 99 cents. Great job.
giant ass. OMG!
Oh my gosh, I love it. Well done.
I wish you could have been inside my head when I read about the giant ass! Intriguing six!
Wow! I wonder what's gonna happen next...
Too Funny! Nice Job
Wow, didn't see that coming!
Your descriptions cut right to the chase. Great six!
So? where are the guns (thought I would be less obvious today)
I think he must have been still having the nightmare when he saw the giant ass
ROFL! He might want to hone those sleepy instincts.
haha! Great six!
What a wake up call! LMAO FAB SIX!!! Love it :)
"A giant ass coming straight for him."
Still laughing here.
Wouldn't want to be in his position...ever!!! Great six.
lmao at "less snow than the Himalayas". I had a TV like that once!
Great post! Loved the six. Hope Vic gets those guns.
Loved how he was squooshed by giant ass lol. Talk about a wake up call
wow! makes me want more truly (*object of six sentence noted*) nice work! will add to TBR list
"A giant ass coming straight at him" is the last thing I expected to read. Too funny.
He's being attacked by a giant ass? LOL, I never would have guessed that. Gun, knife, fist ... but not ass.
ROFLMAO!! You don't wake up like that everyday! Great Six!
Ha! Nice! :D Gotta read more and find out what happens. hehe
I about lost it at the 'giant ass coming straight towards him' part! LOL Definately the funniest 6 I've read!
LOL The first line made me laugh.
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