Thursday, June 2, 2011

Final May Awareness Project Winners.

Hi everyone!

May was a whirlwind month. I barely had time to breathe it seemed, so I apologize if I've been a little anti-social. I hope you'll all understand. And I'll be back to normal soon.

First I want to say thank you so much to the donating authors, the authors who did write-ups from their personal experience, and those of you who took the time to visit. Truly...from the heart...Thanks to you.

In the next few weeks, I'll be sending out T-shirts and print books and ebooks where they belong. If you haven't received any notification by Jun 15th, please send me an email at authorallurevansanz at gmail.

I've learned that Memorial weekend is a bad time to try to promote a blog and bring about Awareness, so because of the low-to-no responses, I'm mixing up the prizes a bit.

Breast Cancer Awareness Giveaway winners:

Historical Author Evangeline Collins Print Book Seven Nights to Forever - Darcy

Lindsay Klug’s EBook The Life and Times of Delila - Debbie

Romance and Erotic Romance Author Margie Church (Your choice of her Noble Romance releases) - Fiona

ALS and Bone Marrow Donation Awareness Mix Giveaways:

Erotic Romance Author Sarah Balance EBook copy of Run to You - Sutton Fox

Indie Author Kally Sten eBook Fangs and Lullabies - Darcy

Allure Van Sanz T-shirt - Chelle Cordero

Erotic Author Brindle Chase EBook Trading Up or The Grass is Always Greener (Your choice) - Helen

1 comment:

Debbie Laurie said...

I'm sorry you had such low responses.. Let's try to do this again in September after Labor Day when everyone is back to work/school from summer vacations. The rest of us appreciate all that you do AVS..
Luv ya ME.

Debbie L.