“This ‘Serial’ was imported from New England where he killed six girls in six major cities, probably to throw off the locals which, in the Creek, he doesn’t have to worry about as much.”
“What’s the pattern? How do you know it’s the same guy?”
“The streets are the pattern.”
“Uh huh--” This made sense, she was sure of it, she just needed Clyps to get to the Scooby Doo reveal. “Skip to the part that has me snorting icicles.”

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You almost had me snorting my tea! Love this character's voice. Great snippet.
Wonderful. Great six!
Scooby Doo reveal! Snorting icicles! Great stuff!
Nice! Very funny and yet also intense.
Great post! Intriguing and amusing at the same time. Well done.
I love this character's voice and her humor.
love the character I imagine these two butt heads the whole way through the story.
Your humour is outrageous !
Wonderfully humorous and what looks like a great mystery.
Ooh, intriguing.
Love your voice - I burst out laughing! That's my kind of gal/heroine. :)
lol Scooby Doo! Awesome!
Great dialogue. Loved the Scooby Doo!
Love the last paragraph! Great six! :)
Good dialog. Great six!
The streets are the pattern? Intriguing. I'd love to find out what he means.
That's awesome. Funny and tense at once!
Great name!! good mystery, too - nice job!
Nice six ...especially the Scooby Doo reveal
I'm so jealous, I love snorting icicles. Great voice!
The Scooby Doo reference is great. Very original. Thanks for commenting on my Six too!
nice light ending to a really intense scene, love it! Scooby Doo reveal :) Love it.
Great voice, love the Scooby Doo reference! Yeah, what's the pattern? Tell me already!
Snorting icicles! Ouch. Great visual.
lol love 'scooby doo reveal'!
Intense, yet amusing. Loved the 'voice.'
"snorting icicles" I like that. It's quite giggle worthy.
Great six! Like her attitude.
Cute. Made me giggle about Scooby Doo, of course it also left me wanting more about how the streets play into the pattern. :)
That last line made me laugh out line. I think I need to go over to Amazon and check this out in non-six sentence segments. Really fascinated by your inspiration btw.
Interesting exchange. Great SSS.
Intriguing six with a side dish of humor! Now about that pattern...
Quirky, Allure and fun. Good six, girl.
Love the reference to the Scooby Doo mysteries. Great voice!
Scooby Doo reveal! I love it! Great 6!
Great six. Love suspense stories!
Very intrigued about the streets being the pattern to the serial killings. New take on what makes a killer tick. Great job.
LOL! Love the Scooby Doo reference. And the snorting icicles. What fun.
Interesting. I love serial killer tales. I plan on going to look this up. :o)
Love your description. Nicely done. :)
Excellent! Love the 'snorting icicles' line :)
Great voice in this piece. Love the tone and the humor.
Love the character and her voice. Great job!
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