However, DV is so common with women that, in the delivery room, doctors try to give pregnant women 20 minutes without their significant other in the room while they ask certain questions so the women aren't pressured by their SO and can seek help if help is needed. This is a great policy to have...but unfortunately, out of the women who are abused, very few come forward or seek help. Those who do are usually in fear of the lives of their children (not so much themselves). Horrifying isn't it?

Allow me to introduce you to Megan Hussey.
"Making a Difference for Abused Women."
I remember her warmth, her humor and her intellect. I remember her beauty and her strength. And I remember the day she was murdered.
One of my earliest memories in life involves the death of a beloved cousin of mine, who was senselessly murdered at the age of 31 by a stalker.
My cousin Ivetta was a mother, career woman, political activist and a true and gentle soul. She brought so much joy to my family and we miss her every day—and it is to her I dedicate my lifelong efforts to stop violence against women.
No, I’m not among those brave people who run domestic violence shelters—but I do write news articles to generate funds and attention for these very same agencies. And in small ways, many of my romance stories address these issues. In my stories Mauve Christmas and Behold the Beauty, my heroines rescue and seek help for women in abusive households. In my Nuit series (Angel on Fire and Under Cover of the Night) and in Wild Sirens, ladies leave their emotionally and in some cases physically abusive mates for more sensitive, loving men. And in Noelle’s Nocturne, a woman saves her male partner from an act of violence and intimidation.
Sure, I do what I can; but to me the true heroines and heroes are those on the front lines of this battle, serving and protecting its victims and survivors each and every day.
I urge everyone to join this fight by supporting a domestic violence and sexual assault center in their area, just as I support Sunrise of Pasco Inc., my Make a Difference beneficiary. For my cousin and millions like her. For all of us.
Thank you for your story Megan.
Sunrise of Pasco Inc Donation Link

Megan's cousin is just one of many tragedies every minute. Which is why I asked my next visitor to shed a bit of light on what one of these shelters does for the women and children they protect.
Please Welcome, Ruth Seitelman and her charity Shelter Our Sisters.
Shelter Our Sisters.
Shelter Our Sisters (SOS) is the only private, non-profit agency dedicated to sheltering Bergen County's women and children who are victimized by domestic violence. Shelter Our Sisters provides a comprehensive umbrella of support services to help women and their dependents attain safety, build a strong foundation for healing, gain self-reliance and stop the cycle of violence. We provide a 24 hour hot line, emergency shelter program and transitional housing program helping women and their children get back into the main stream.
We have a children's program designed to stabilize a child’s environment and to counteract the effects of abuse by addressing the anxiety, depression, anger, aggression, self-esteem problems, and impaired social skill development that result from exposure to violence in the home. Together with Project Self-Sufficiency and our Follow-Up programs, women are empowered with the tools they need to manage themselves and their family.
Shelter Our Sisters is founded on the vision and belief that every person has the right to be safe, empowered, and free from violence and the fear of violence. Central to this belief, Shelter Our Sisters seeks to eliminate domestic violence. Additionally, the agency aims to reduce related social problems, such as child abuse, sexual assault, substance abuse, sexism, racism, and other forms of oppression.
Shelter Our Sisters’ mission is to assist women and children who are victims of domestic violence, including emotional, economic, sexual and physical abuse. The agency provides emergency and transitional housing, emotional support, and a diversified continuum of services focused on safety, empowerment, and self-sufficiency. Through community partnerships, Shelter Our Sisters raises awareness, provides services, and educates community members about domestic violence.
Shelter Our Sisters <~~~~ Donation Link!
Ruth would love to give away a nice tea cup and saucer to anyone who'd like to jump over to her blog and leave a comment mentioning SOS. Ruth's Blog

Other Giveaways:
Erotic Author Megan Hussey eBook Angel on Fire.
Erotic Romance Author Nichelle Gregory is giving away a free ecopy of Hearts & Diamonds
Erotic Romance Author Em Petrova is giving away a free ecopy of a book in her Immortal Series titled Runes and Trefoi
All winners from Thursday's blog to today's blog will be announced on Monday's blog. Thank you!
Another relevant topic that unfortunately still needs to be talked about.
Many steps have been taken, but the end of the journey still isn't in sight.
Thanks, Allure, for posting this.
It is so sad that this exists. Women and men are abused every day and need our help. Will be getting your book. Thanks for all you do. Margie
Great way to help bring awareness to this abuse- TY
Dawne P
We women have to band together and help each other out.. Thoughts, Hope and Prayers to all abused women and children in America... :-)
Definitely a subject that needs more understanding and support.
I have a history with DV, yet it wasn't against me. My mother paid the price for not speaking out and seeking help. When I was a child she was murdered for no other reason than 'if he couldn't have no one would'. DV at it's ugliest! My mother's husband received nine years in prison and is now free AND remarried.
It is reassuring and calming to know that there are people out there trying to offer women the help they need.
~Talina Perkins
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