Guess what's coming out on Monday?
That's right, my newest release--which means I'll be running all kinds of contests this weekend. I'm going to run one here, for a free copy of my book Love Revisited: Davit & Jenova. All you have to do is respond, let me know you're out there and reading my post. Simple right?
There are other ways to win as well. I'll be on the Noble Romance Publishing yahoo email loop all day on Sunday, causing trouble and running contests--giving away free ebooks and a T-Shirt. Come join me by copying and pasting this link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NobleRomancePublishing/

Also, stop by NobleAuthors@blogspot.com on Monday and say hi to me there as well to be eligible for a free ebook and a T-Shirt!
But that's not all! I'll be doing my first guest blog ever at the lovely Michelle's blog on Tuesday April 5th over at: http://michellemiles.net/blog/2011/04/05/inkwell-guest-allure-van-sanz/
I'm in the giving mood! And looking to reward readers who love Love!
And don't forget, there's also a .99 cent read up on Amazon and B&N. A full-length novel I think you'll all enjoy! Search for Murder Creek and add one more book to your "To be read" pile.
As always, I appreciate your support--now let me reward it! Leave a comment. Winners will be announced Tuesday April 5th.
Allure Van Sanz
I am definitely here ! This book sounds wonderful I cannot wait to read it.
Thank you so much for the stunning contest you rock!
Awesome!!! The book look so wonderful and to be interesting to read that book!
Thank you for chance!!!! :)
Wish you the best,
I LOVED Murder Creek... I will post a comment on goodreads for you.. Ruins sounds Awesome too can't wait to read it. I also need to read Gwen....
Have Fun Today!!
LOL Seems so weird to see three comments before night time on this blog. I so neglect it.
Thank you so much for your support and interest in my upcoming release. I'm very excited.
I love running contests and giving out free stuff! There's no better way to earn new friends than to show them what I can do, and if they like it...voila!
Like Debbie! Whom I absolutely adore for her encouragement and friendship. Best part of writing, I swear!
Hope to make friends of you both Desere and Kelley. Good luck in the contest!
btw, I have my daughter pull names out of the hatbox and she takes bribes in the form of cadbury eggs. LOL
All my best,
Thank you I look forward to our friendship and c-eggs will be delivered to your daughter in the morning lol
Take Care
Allure, wow you are a busy woman! So many things going on, and you're all over the place. All the best on the newest release. May you sell millions!
Love that really hot cover. Best of luck with the new release.
Pink Phoenix Publishing will be doing a review of Murder Creek as their featured book this week. Look for the posting sometime the week of April 4, 2011. (http://pinkphoenixrr.blogspot.com/)
Sue Owen
Featured Reviewer
Pink Phoenix Publishing
Thank you for the chance and I love the excerpts and all...*S*
wishing you great sales on your new release...*S*
Thank you!
pommawolf @ hotmail dot com
Contests are a great incentive to reading authors we haven't read before. I love the books I've read so far and looking forward to reading the new ones.
You are so talented!
Thanks for the chance to win this new one!
Since I 'found' all you great authors, I have been discreetly pushing all your books to a select group of friends. LOL
@ Patti! Yeah, a little too busy, but it keeps me out of...well actually it doesn't. But yeah, I'm busy. ::wink::
@Susan Thanks for stopping by! I know you're busy with your own promotions and the like and I appreciate you taking the time.
@ Sue. Thank you for picking up and reviewing Murder Creek. I hope you enjoy the story.
@ Darcy. I'm glad you enjoyed the excerpt. I hope I can make an Allure reader out of ya. ::grins::
@Cindy Thank you! I dig knowing you like what I've done in the past. I hope I can continue to entertain you in the future.
All my best to you all,
bribery does work.... the book sounds wonderful and look forward to the read.
Loved, Loved Handling Gwen! Am in the middle of Murder Creek and so far I can't stop until my Netbook dies! Excited to read the new one.
What a great contest! and an even greater prize...sounds like a very good read...and will be following you around cause I luv free books and free t-shirts *grin*
@ Dean and Alexa!
So glad you both came here as well. I love getting people new to me to travel with me. These contests can get a little tedious to run. Debbie has to be getting sick of seeing me by now. Always soliciting my stuff to her. ::grins::
@ Joey. Hi! Thank you for stopping by. Follow away! I love to give things out. I usually run about a contest a month to try and get new readers.
Thanks again all.
I'll be announcing the winners late tommorrow.
You had me at .99 books I am going to look it up on amazon!
Great contest!
Better late than never I say! Unless ofcourse I AM TOO LATE!:(
Great site! And having a new release is so exciting! Hope everything is going well, and looking forward to winning.
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