Saturday, June 11, 2011

Six Sentence Sunday

I missed last week! I missed you guys. lol The new Six Sentence site is awesome. You can find links to all of the excerpts from other wonderful authors HERE!

Scene: Vic just woke up to a giant ass coming at him, pinning him to his chair.(Taken from the 0.99 novel Murder Creek available at Amazon and Barnes and Noble)

“Ge’…off!” he choked.

The more he fought the guy squishing him, the more pressure the gorilla applied. Vic turned his head to the side—to avoid being smothered in back fat—and came face-to-face with a sneaky piece of shit he’d hoped to never see again.

Gato’s smug smile could only be described as oil-slick, proud of himself for tracking Vic down. There weren’t many people living who knew what The Rattlesnake looked—and in Gato’s case smelled—like, and when Vic got his hands on the bastard, there'd be one less.

“How’s it goin’, ese?” Gato asked, making a great show of dusting off the sleeves of his Armani suit. Vic had one just like it—if he survived this reunion he’d burn it.


sue said...

yeah burn that suit lol - who knows what’s gotten on it

Anonymous said...

Great Six, Allure. I like the death by squishing scene!
Happy Sunday,
Kristin Wolfgang

Cara Bristol said...

Great writing. You really know how to create a scene.

Sandra Sookoo said...

lol loved this scene!

Jessica Knauss said...

Ha ha! About to die by crushing and he thinks about not having the same suit as the slimeball. I hope he does survive!

JoAnne Kenrick said...

Love this six, very vivid scene with great pacing

Zee Monodee said...

Loved this scene - you had me right into it!

Ursula Whistler said...

If he survives the reunion! Squishing! Eek!

Lindsay said...

Love the six

Pepper said...

Well written!

Jean Davis said...

Now that's a vivid scene! And what an unpleasant way to go. eek!

Sarah Grimm said...

Love the last line! Great six!

Anonymous said...

How wild! I was blinking in surprise. Fun six!

Elaine Cantrell said...

Great scene. I'd burn the suit too.

Vivien Jackson said...

Back fat! The detail in this was astonishing. And nasty! (But in a good way.)

Alix said...

fantastic six, loved it!

J.A. Beard said...

Getting your ass kicked by an ass is rather embarrassing. :)

Anonymous said...

lol, just can't get the image of a fat arse bearing down on the protagonist out of my head! Great snippet!

Taryn Kincaid said...
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Taryn Kincaid said...

The ass is covered in Armani?!? That puts a different complexion on it!

Lisa Kumar said...

Love the humor he displays at such a serious time!

Anonymous said...

Excellent. A nicely done six, Allure.