I want your worst Christmas present...ever. OR the worst Christmas presentation of a present. LOL Not sure what I mean? See my example a few paragraphs down.
Tell me in the comments what you got and why it sucked and you could get your hands on a free copy of Candied Cane. A hot little short about a woman who makes a candy machine to sell to the porn industry--only, the man who wants to buy it, wants to give it a test drive first.

If you have that short already, which some of you do because of the Christmas Party madness, I'll give you an exclusive sneak peak of my newest work-in-progress or a free copy of one of my other books from Noble Romance.
MY WORST Christmas present ever is hard to pin down. For me, I consider bad XMas presents to be something someone didn't put much thought into. Especially if it's someone real close to me. Like my father...gives me money. We're not close so I'm okay with that. The man who lives with me...gives me a gift card that says happy birthday on it. Okay...he was in a rush. At least he got me something. Right?
Most of my "bad" presents are actually okay presents that just have icky memories attached. I call it the worst presentation of a present. LOL
One year I got a sweatshirt that was two sizes too big. The guy I was dating and I decided to exchange presents at our workplace's holiday party to keep things uncomplicated. I arrived late with my best friend (a guy) and was rewarded with my present thrown on the table in front of me, damn-near hitting me in the face. Right after he "gave" the present to me, he pulled another girl onto his lap and started licking her ear while staring at me. A low blow for sure, and the whole situation was made worse by the fact that the girl he chose to make a spectacle with was my ex-boyfriend's little sister. Yikes!
There's one of my worst presentations of a present.
Maybe I'll delve a little deeper if ya'll give me some good stuff of your own!
hmmm my dad got me a heated auto ice scraper like I need to be reminded of the snow and as it turns out it started snowing the next day sheesh premonition or what.
The worse of most thought gifts have come from my sister-in-law who pass along things that are not wanted or needed with no way to return as they are speciality items. Or she gives things that she took when we divided her parents household goods, or we recived a gift certificate, for two, to a book store for $15, then asked what "books" we purchased.
My worst was the first year we were married, my husband gave me a coffee pot. When I got upset, his answer was well you like coffee.
The worst is not a gift I received nor is it horrible when taken out of context. One year, we all gave each other awesome gifts. We were having a great time. Super build up, if you know what I mean. Then it was my father-in-laws turn and he took the package expectantly. He rips open the box and says "Oh boy, shirts!". We all fell to the floor laughing. He is stilled annoyed by that "gift".
welll my worst present came from an ex he braught me a hand wrapped pair of used panties and a recycled card where hecrossedout hisgrnad mothersname and signed his own he handed it to meand said its all i could come up with last minute yeah last minute we were dating for a few months so yeah left a poor taste in my mouth and now you know why hes an x
Every year on my husbands side of the family we have a gift exchange ($25) My sister in law gave me a calendar..that can be bought at Michaels for $1.00 and it was a lighthouse calendar...she knows it is my husband that collects lighthouses..not me..arg!! Oh well not as bad as my husbands gift. It was a pair of mens briefs that had 2 handles attached to the top and written on the handle was "Hillbilly Briefcase" ok it was a hilharious gift, everyone was luaghing!!
You all are cracking me up!
Jodi! I'd love a heated ice scraper about now. lol
DeanY, I had a relative just like that! She gave me something from my grandmother that my granny would've wanted me to have anyway!
Andrea - I would've been upset too. Maybe it's the romantic in us all that want the gifts to be unique and well thought out.
JenB. Lol!! I can almost hear your father say it, and I don't even know him.
SinN...I'm officially grossed out FOR you. WTF was he thinking??
Dawn, I feel your frustration...what a crap gift! I got something similar once...a set of cheap photo albums you can find at the dollar store all tucked neatly into a bag with the "to" addressed to the person who just gave it to me. Regifting is an art. Take your NAME OFF the tag. Oh and LMAO at the hillbilly briefcase.
There's some real wincers here. I'm going to give the contest another day in case anyone is just getting back from XMas and still wants to post. Thank you so much for participating!
I appreciate your time and for telling me your stories!
Hi All!
I apologize for forgetting I was going on a trip for the New Year's celebration. Yikes. What a goof.
I'll be running another contest very soon for my birthday celebration, so if you didn't win this time, feel free to try again on January 21st over at the Noble Romance Blog:
The winner of this contest is Dawn. I drew a name out of a hat since all the entries were pretty much horrid! lol
Congratulations Dawn. I'll be sending you your free read in an email.
All my best,
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